| ?    
griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID
http://seamod.ro:8080/erddap/tabledap/allDatasets.subset http://seamod.ro:8080/erddap/tabledap/allDatasets http://seamod.ro:8080/erddap/tabledap/allDatasets.graph * The List of All Active Datasets in this ERDDAP * This dataset is a table which has a row of information for each dataset currently active in this ERDDAP.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ndatasetID (Dataset ID)\naccessible\ninstitution\ndataStructure (Data Structure)\ncdm_data_type (Common Data Model Type)\nclass (ERDDAP Class)\ntitle\nminLongitude (Minimum Longitude, degrees_east)\nmaxLongitude (Maximum Longitude, degrees_east)\nlongitudeSpacing (Average Grid Longitude Spacing, degrees_east)\nminLatitude (Minimum Latitude, degrees_north)\nmaxLatitude (Maximum Latitude, degrees_north)\nlatitudeSpacing (Average Grid Latitude Spacing, degrees_north)\nminAltitude (Minimum Altitude (or negative Depth), m)\nmaxAltitude (Maximum Altitude (or negative Depth), m)\nminTime (Minimum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nmaxTime (Maximum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ntimeSpacing (Average Grid Time Spacing, seconds)\ngriddap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Grid Service)\nsubset (URL of Subset Web Page)\ntabledap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Table/Sequence Service)\nMakeAGraph (URL of Make-A-Graph Web Page)\nsos (Base URL of SOS Service)\nwcs (Base URL of WCS Service)\nwms (Base URL of WMS Service)\nfiles (Base URL of \"files\" Service)\n... (10 more variables)\n http://seamod.ro:8080/erddap/info/allDatasets/index.htmlTable http://seamod.ro:8080/erddap seamod.ro allDatasets

ERDDAP, Version 2.22
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